The products we use
What products do we recommend?
Suntech solar, Suntech have been supplying solar panels in Australia for over 21 years. At Geelong Solar Energy we have established a solid long term relationship with Suntech and have been supplying and installing Suntech Panels for 15 years.
Built tough for Australian conditions Suntech have been at the forefront of testing and developing solar panels in Australia for Australian homes for over 20 years.
Das Solar, the newest and most rapidly advancing solar panel manufacturer in the world market, leaders in N Type cell research and development working in conjunction with the University of New South Wales, we look forward to building a long term relationship with Das Solar for decades to come.
Goodwe inverters have proven to us that they are without doubt the most reliable inverter on the Australian market, they also include a battery and hybrid option. The MS series 3 tracker range for example gives us the ability to track east, north and west roofs with one inverter.
Goodwe solar batteries and Sigenergy solar batteries.